Data Format (new)

The ZIP file, called for example depending on the timestamp of download, available for download at the end of the data selection, contains 3 CSV files (for which you can define the column delimiter): an energy flux file for monthly data, one for annual averages and a metadata file (all UTF-8 encoding and with one line header).

The energy flux files contains data at (soon sub-)monthly resolution converted to W/m2 (and WRR scale, in the case of radiative fluxes). Albedo is given in percent. The GEBA energy flux file format is defined here. In such a file, each line corresponds to a monthly or annual mean value followed by the associated quality flag in the next column. The quality flags store the results of the quality control procedures (QCP) No.1 applied.

All lines in an energy flux file are identified by the values of the fields "time series key" (tskey), year (and month) of measurement. The field "time series key" references the same field in the metadata file.

The metadata file is in line with the database consistent information diplayed on the content exploration page Metadata (accessible without registration). The metadata file contains the energy balance component, station coordinates, name and (history-aware) affiliation to a country, as well as a literature reference. The GEBA metadata file format is defined here.