Metadata (new)

Via the links below you can find metadata for all stations currently having data stored in and downloadable from GEBA, sorted by energy balance components that were measured at these stations. The number corresponds to the internal energy balance identifier (ebkey), the short name to the 6-letter-code (ebcode) and the full name to the description of each energy balance component, as they are displayed on the New Data Retrieval Interface or in the metadata file part of the ZIP file for download (accessible after registration).

More metadata and filter options (as well as resolution and type of time series) will be added in near future (please do not hesitate to indicate us which additional information or database exploration feature would be relevant for you).

The information in the header is abbreviated as follows:

  • SGKEY - internal station identifier
  • Station name - the full name according to data source, alternative metadata sources or historical GEBA
  • ICC - (present) country code - according to ISO standard ( as far as possible
  • Xlon, Ylat - longitude resp. latitude - decimal degrees East resp. North
  • Zelev - altitude - meter above sealevel
  • yearS - start year of period of data coverage, not necessarily full years, see: #mon
  • yearE - end year of period of data coverage, not necessarily full years, see: #mon
  • #mon - amount of months - total number of available monthly means
  • Data type - type of time series, e.g. standard, climatology etc.