Metadata File Format (new)

A new feature in the metadata file (since the replacement with the new infrastructure on September 13 2022) is the history of station-to-country affiliation changes due to country name or border evolution in the context of geopolitical events. On the New Database Access Interface you can select stations sorted by country using their current or/and previous names depending on the coverage of the selected time period.

The "internal time series identifier" tskey (see abbreviations below) makes the link (in the same order) to the energy flux data file while ebkey, ebcode, sgname and sgkey make the link to the Metadata page for database content exploration if needed before registration and data selection. Station names are ordered alphabetically.

Note: work in progress! The amount and consistency of literature references will be increased as well as the confidence around station names and coordinates improved in the next development phase towards a better traceability to data sources benefiting from the connection with alternative metadata sources.

The column information in the one line header of the metadata file for download is abbreviated as follows:

tskey - internal time series identifier
ebcode - 6-letter-code of energy balance component
ebkey - internal energy balance component identifier
sgkey - internal station identifier
sgxlon - longitude - decimal degrees East
sgylat - latitude - decimal degrees North
sgelevation - altitude - meter above sealevel
sgname - the full station name according to data source, alternative metadata sources or historical GEBA
affiliation - present country followed by previous names if any
until - date of country name or border change if relevant, followed by previous dates of changes if any
sgcomment - literature references