Energy Flux File Format (new)

Compared with the previous format (before the replacement with the new infrastructure mid 2022), the flux data and quality flags are not any longer structured in 12 separate monthly columns and alternate lines but directly as times series. Not existing monthly records in the database appear as missing/empty values in the file for download so the number of months is always 12 even in the case of uncomplete time series. This is reflected in the Retrieval Summary before download at the end of the protected page data selection, where the numbers of monthy values and annual averages actually provided is smaller or equals the number of rows in the files.

The annual average only displays a number in case 12 monthly means are available, otherwise empty.

Records are ordered by the "internal time series identifier" tskey, which is at the moment the same as the pair sgname and ebkey, the station name and energy balance component identifiers (see Metadata File Format), all available times series having the type STANDARD until more types of time series populate the database in the next development phase (see Metadata page).

All columns contain integers apart from the converted flux values rounded to one decimal.

The column information in the one line header of the data file for download is abbreviated as follows:

tskey - internal time series identifier
year - 1922 to present
month - 1 to 12 even if monthly mean flux value and quality flag are missing
converted_flux_avg - monthly mean of measured flux value converted to the standard W/m2 unit (apart from Albedo in percent) and WRR scale
computed_flag_avg - quality flag based on quality control procedure (QCP) No.1 ("physically possible") for data inserted after 2006 (and potentially on additional historical procedures for earlier)